
A Little Love Goes a Long Way 10,000个祝福 跨国传送爱心


A Little Love Goes a Long Way

Every card filled with simple heartfelt messages of love, blessings, hope and encouragement brought cheers to the recipients. Let this show of love not end here. Come and join us at CCS Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Link to volunteer your services, which include visits to the elderly at their homes, visits to old folks homes and orphanages, organising outings and special events for the elderly.

Our Four Ambassadors of Love 骑在双轮上的傳神勇士




Our Four Ambassadors of Love

Four members of our Cycling Superstar Club represented CCS Singapore in the 25-day 1300-km cycling trip around Taiwan to distribute these well-wishes. The event was held, from 17 November to 11 December. Though no longer young, these four ‘ambassadors’ have always shown a fierce determination to live active and meaningful lives.

62 year-old Wee Lian Seng, who had spinal injury and now walks with difficulty, showed exceptional courage by completing the journey in Taiwan. With pride, he says, “I may not walk well but I can still cycle.”

Lee Yok Leun, 76, and Loh Yoon Siong, 54, were two of our other heroes. They joined the team not only because they love cycling, but also because this particular event had a special purpose to them.

Siow Lee Khoon, who had a tragic past, is a resilient lady determined to face life with renewed joy, courage and hope. She decided to join the other three to bring a simple message to the Taiwanese: It’s good to be alive!

A rather nasty fall during the trip did not deter her from completing the expedition.

Cycling the Extra Mile for Love 骑铁马情牵台新 圣诞传骑送祝福

这趟26天的单车之旅《圣诞传骑 美丽台湾》! 60位新加坡的骑士,加上66位台湾的单车勇士,组成了强而有力的圣诞老人车队,把10, 000份来自新加坡的祝福,传送到台湾100个乡镇、100所养老院、育幼院和风灾灾区,让人们在圣诞佳节里也能感受到人间有爱,生命可贵!


他们当中,有多位都是乐龄单车家族的成员。尽管皆是老年人,也曾有腰酸背痛、体力不支的隐疾…! 不过,这一天他们选择骑上两个轮子的单车,带领国人签下10, 000张来自新加坡的祝福卡,以及为了实现自我价值而勇敢出发了!

Cycling the Extra Mile for Love

The objective of this exercise was to get as many Singaporeans as possible to write well-wishes on 10,000 Christmas cards to be sent to 100 townships, 100 nursing homes and orphanages and victims of the recent hurricane in Taiwan. These cards were sent to Taiwan by hand through four Cycling Club Superstar (CCS) members.

These 10,000 cards were displayed at East Coast Park Marine Cove, and students from Dunearn Secondary School and our volunteers were on hand to encourage passers-by to write greetings and well wishes to the people of Taiwan. A team of 60 cyclists, an average age of 70, took a 100 km circuitous route from CCS Bukit Batok Neighbourhood Link to East Coast Marine Cove to lend their support. The response from the public was overwhelming.


圣诞传骑 CYCLING FOR 10,000

Ride with Cycling Club Superstar?

We encourage cyclists to join the 30km ride on 7 Nov 2010. The ride will start from East Coast Park Marine Cove and we will cycle within the Park Connector, i.e. within East Coast Park itself. You may pre-register with us by calling Concern & Care Society @ 6560-5455 by 4 Nov (Thursday), 5.30pm. We also accept walk-in registration at Marine Cove on 7 Nov (Sunday), 11am. All cyclists are to report at Marine Cover with your own or rental bike and safety helmet at 11am. .


Member: FOC (You will get a free T-shirt)

Non-member: S$5 (You will get a free T-shirt and one year membership for CCS Cycling Club Superstar)


Christmas comes early for overseas disaster site victims

Is organised by Concern & Care Society to gather 10,000 signed Christmas cards from Singapore. The cards will be sent to Taiwan disaster victims to cheer them up during the Christmas season. Cyclists will be cycling 100km on 7 November to show their support for this project.

Event Date: 7th Nov 2010 (Sunday)

Event Highlights: Visit East Coast Park Marine Cove on 7 November from 10am – 3pm to pledge your support. Help us to write down your well wishes. Cards will be delivered by hand to the beneficiaries.

Route One: Bukit Batok - East Coast Park Marine Cove-70km

Route Two: East Coast Park Connector Network -30km

Starting Point: East Coast Park Marine Cove

1000 East Coast Parkway Report Time: 11:00am

欢迎公众现场报名参与30公里的骑行 / 集合地点:(骑程二)东海岸公园(Marine Cove /报名时间: 11am

收费:S$5 (非会员),包括一件T-Shirt及乐龄单车家族的一年会员费。






报名/询问:请致电主办当局 / 傳神居家照顾协会 / 6560-5455


The Feature of Cycling Club Member - Mr Lee Yoke Leun 海峡时报:英雄骑士-李玉麟

Elderly Cycling Team Visited The Sunnyville Home 28 Aug 2010 乐龄单车家族带着爱心探访弱势老人

Regular Ride on Sunday 乐龄单车家族。每月健康骑
